request prayer

Thank you for reaching out to Little Union Baptist Church for prayer.  Your prayer requests are extremely important to us. We look forward to partnering with you in seeking God's guidance as referenced in James 5:16 NIV, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective".


Please complete the form with your name, email address (check under email if you would like notifications) phone number, and your prayer request.  Make sure you select make everything public, hide my email, phone, or keep your prayer private. You must allow church staff visibility if you would like your prayer posted on the website.



Pray for Jenni Rastas for Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God and the hope of his calling. Pray she would be strengthen by Holy Spirit in the inner man that Christ may dwell in her heart through faith and to know the love of Christ.


Pray for me protection and wisdom to make the right choises. God's guidance. Pray I will stay in rest and trusting God in every situation. Pray for finances and provision.


Hello, How are you doing? I am looking to give away my late husband's Yamaha baby grand piano to a passionate instrument lover, so please let me know if you will take it or have someone who will care for it. Regards, Melissa.


Prayer Confidential


Pray for my church in Finland named Joychurch for growth, finances, protection and helping hands. Pray for every church servant strength and wisdom to serve. Pray for every church member they would study the Bible and pray everyday.